discovering a simpiler life

discovering a simpiler life

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

In my kitchen ~ August 2015

This months IMK series has come around so quickly I'm sure I can hear Spring calling!!! Hurry up!!! My goodness, I'm sorry to go on about it, but I really don't think I've felt the cold as much as this Winter.  I even brought myself some thermal tops to help layer the cold away.  But, as always, my oven is my saviour and it's been put through it's paces again, with my beloved bread running front and centre....but there are a few other things just so you don't think I'm the size of a sour dough.
Grab a cuppa or a wine and relax while you take a peek....

In my kitchen these amazing soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies didn't disappoint and are stashed up the back of the freezer for those times when only a cookie will do with a cup of tea...they defrost perfectly in minutes.
In my kitchen is my nan's nutloaf tin that I've had a few goes at.  It's over 60 years old and I must say I was in a heaven of memory nostalgia eating the loaf...recipe to come :)

In my kitchen has been lots of pea and ham soup (this recipe is one of my first and is fun to see how much my photos have improved).  I add a big handful of steamed greens from the garden to help boost the vegetable intake and a smidge of chilli.

It wouldn't be in my kitchen if I didn't include some crochet...I made the pink and blue owl beanie for my little lady for our cold walk to school and the other for a friends little one.  Beanies are proving to be one of those things that are trickier to size than you think!!
In my kitchen almost everyday in July and August is this bounty freshly picked from the garden that I never tire from picking nor eating.
In my kitchen is my no knead grain bread that never fails.

In my kitchen has been lots of sourdough baking.  My 100% hydration starter is getting better week by week, gluttonous feed by gluttonous feed.  Bread baking is now well and truly entrenched into my soul - it's the funniest thing how passions are quietly unearthed isn't it.
I travelled to a friends kitchen a few hundred kilometres away and took my sourdough dough and camp oven with me so I could make her 2 loaves as I've been teasing her with too many photos...let me tell you I might start putting my dough that is proofing in the back seat of the car - it traveled beautifully and didn't disappoint on the morning I doled these magnificent specimens out.

In my kitchen is Mr. GW's huge once weekly bacon and eggs.  Our girls haven't missed a day laying even in this cold weather - they are the best and deserve the hot milk soaked crusts I give them most mornings.
and my size....I also was gifted this divine dinner set "Viola" - I'm very, very much in love with it.

look at that golden yolk.....such clever girls.
In my kitchen I made Celia's burger buns that were a big hit.  We had them with thick oven roasted Italian sausages, caramelised onions, lettuce and tomato.....get your laughing gear on it!

Thanks for stopping's a little different format on Celia's blog (link at start of this post) and you can find all other contributors in the comments of her IMK post.  I love reading and getting all of your comments and if you drop me a line, I'll be sure to come and see what you have been up to in your wonderful kitchen.

Ciao, Jan x


  1. I love the nut loaf tin. I don't think I've ever felt cold like it. Today is FREEZING and I'm dreading having to go outside for school pick up. I have to wear four layers and a scarf and that's just not typical of Sydney conditions. How lovely to have your own eggs and your breakfast looks fabulous xx

    1. I just love it too Charlie - I've been keeping the tin on my kitchen shelf as it is a beauty. This cold weather just makes you want to snuggle in for days....

  2. I'm wearing a jacket inside today, it's so cold. Brrrr... Meanwhile, your bread is gorgeous. Love that crust. I've got my starter prepped for a big baking sesh tomorrow. I know what you mean about looking back on earlier blog posts and seeing how much things have changed. Some of my earlier photos were positively atrocious.

    1. I can't believe that about your photos Jennifer - you have it nailed!! :) The crust on the bread gets me everytime....happy baking! x

  3. Your bread looks amazing! I am so interested to read that you freeze your biscuits. I am going to try that for sure!

    1. Thanks Tandy - I'm so cuffed with the bread and the ease of Celia's clever overnight sourdough recipe - it's the bomb! I freeze all of my biscuits - yoyo's and shortbread all defrost really well - keeps my hand from reaching into the cookie jar when I know I have to wait a few minutes!! x

  4. Bread looks fabulous - if it is 100% hydration, is it very gooey? Do you use bread proving baskets and if so does it stick a lot?. Echo Tandy's comments re freezing the biscuits - very clever!

    1. Yes the 100% starter is very gooey. I mix it as per the instructions here
      I use a large mixing bowl and let the bread proof in it overnight and the next morning I just gently turn it out onto a floured surface, cut in half and then gently place into the heated camp oven and slash or snip the top with scissors. I hope that answers your questions - it's well worth the effort or lack there of! Jan x

  5. Those crocheted hats are just darling! I find that every month IMK freaks me out and demonstrates how fast the year is going! :o

    1. Oh thanks Lorraine - I've really loved making them. Can you believe it's already August!!!! I'm starting to dream up my Christmas

  6. Jan, your Viola plates make for a mighty pretty setting -- a bouquet of flowers with breakfast! Those golden yolks add even more to the beauty. Loved your "fresh picked" photo, too, and I hear ya on the 'early photos'. :) I'm glad your bread baking passion is keeping you warm(er)!

    1. Isn't it just the sweetest plate set Kim!! I was so happy when my cousin gave it to me, it was a matter of being in the right place at the right time as it was off to the op-shop!! I love that - a bouquet of flowers with every meal!! Thanks for stopping by x

  7. Love, love, love this post. The nutloaf tin....oh my, what memories. You always make me feel so good about the world - and the simple joy of a fresh egg - such a pleasure to read. xxxx

    1. Oh Carol you are making me blush - love having you hear with me :)x

  8. I understand exactly about being passionate about sourdough bread and crochet! I had Rich on FaceTime last week feeding Lucy for me so I can't wait to get back next week and bake a loaf. It must be so satisfying so make your breakfast from the garden, your cooks and your own bread. I laughed at the different sized portions!

    1. We are kindred hooking baking spirits Nancy!! I bet you can't wait to get your hands on Lucy....I must give mine a name come to think of it.....

  9. I love seeing what is in your kitchen Jan. That nut loaf tin is awesome. Also freezing cookies is just a smart strategy ;)

    1. You are a sweetheart Jem :) I didn't realise so many didn't know the ole freeze the cookie trick! I've been doing it for years. Thanks for stopping by xx

  10. Such glorous baked goodies this month! Glad you are keeping yourself warm through the winter x Such beautiful photos.-Cate from IMK

  11. I'm loving that nutloaf tin – they haven't changed in years but yours has the history and patina. As to the sourdough – I've taken it on a holiday. My first concern is now always 'will the oven be good enough'. First world baker's problems huh?

  12. this is all glorious. i love your Viola! set- how lucky to be given that. and that nutloaf tin- so much nostalgia. pea and ham soup is great this time of year- it too brings back the memories of mum making it on wintry sunday nights. great post all round!

  13. Glad to hear you are enjoying all the bread baking, even on the road! The beanies are cute. The eggs look so delicious, lucky you.


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