Kale, bit of trend setter at the moment, its the latest IT food, and I've caught the bug. Even better than the taste is its one of the healtiest vegies going. I got my hands on a gorgeous bunch at the farmers market and made this easy but oh so delicious fritatta. I had some leftover roasted pumpkin lurking in the fridge from dinner the night before so toasted some pinenuts to add some texture. Fritatta is a wonderfully versitile dish, as long as you stick with the right amount of eggs you can add a multitude of combinations. Some times the simplier the better, goats cheese, mint and pea is a favourite as is mushroom and parmesan. But let your cooking juices run wild. Again, use good quality free range eggs at the least. I got a dozen for $3 from the market, so no excuses. I actually ran into a reader in the supermarket awhile back near the egg aisle. He looked in my basket to check what eggs I had, organic free range, I think he thought I was all talk. We went and he showed me what he normally buys....so disappointing!! But I firmly added free range into his basket. The funny thing is, his excuse was price, but I'm sure he is on a cracker of a salary and wouldn't even blink at spending money in the liquor department!!
So crack 6 eggs in a bowl and whisk well. Season generously with s & p. Chop your kale up and steam in microwave for 5 minutes.
I love using this old Pie dish of my nan's but you can use a pan that can go into the oven or a quiche dish is great too.
In the dish lay the kale, then arrange the pumpkin, pinenuts then dot with feta and a sprinkle of herbs, I used mint and parsley. Pour over the eggy goodness and put in a preheated oven at 200c for 35 mins
Wack it under the griller to give it a big more colour. Leave it to sit for at least 10 minutes before you cut and serve with a salad of lovely green, a spritz of lemon and well seasoned with s & p and a gernerous glug of your best extra virgin olive oil and lunch is ready.
Now, about the decluttering challenge, how are you going? Its not too late to start, you can read about it here. I must admit to dropping the ball a bit with it last week but made up for it over the weekend. More mags, a few old books, some more shoes and I tackled the plastic containers and got rid of the ones without lids. I need to do the pantry this week, well thats the aim.
Ciao, Jan